
Mapping and charting pixels from remote sensing Earth observation data with JavaScript.



Histograms and 3D scatterplots of R, G, B pixel values. Choose your own Landsat 8 band combinations to explore the data.


Thanks to https://github.com/Overv/ColorScatterPlot for some helpful ideas when I was unsure how to assign colors my 3D scatterplot markers in Plotly.js.

Warning ⚠️: this thing might break your mobile browser ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Future goals:


(unfinished business / work in progress)

Draw polygons to fetch pixel data about your training sites.

Future goals:


(unfinished business / work in progress)

Some trials and benchmarks for calculating and displaying 8bit ndvi from NIR and red bands in a web map on-the-fly in the browser. This includes some truly messy pieces of code for both Esri JSAPI and OpenLayers.js.

Future goals: